When Adam finally got gutsy enough to ask me out he did it through a facebook message because he "didn't have my number." But let's be honest here, with as much asking around as he did about me and knowing my roommate, he easily could have gotten a hold of my number. The first 3 times he asked me out I said no and then when I ran out of excuses I gave in.
Our first date was a triple date th
These dates were followed up by a Christmas trip to California to watch BSU play in the Poinsettia Bowl and visit Disneyland. After all, it IS the most magical place on Earth!. We went with a big group of friends and had such a good time. Adam tried so hard to get past my tough defenses and with patient persistence he did. Eventually I yielded and let Adam into my life. My parents saw it the second I walked in the door with Adam after that 16 hour drive through snow storm after snow storm. Those couple of days marked the beginning of what I had believed to be doomed from the start and I came home denying what was taking place... I was falling in love.
We came home from that trip unsure of the future and what if would hold for us. However, we continued to spend time together and were inseparable.
Our first kiss happened in while playing in the snow at a park near Adam's house in downtown Boise. And yes I kissed him... more like attacked him right of the snow bank but those are minor details :] We officially starting dating the beginning of January and were engaged by the end of February. It was short but when you know it's right; it's right.